Monday, August 17, 2009

27 Weeks

Today marks 27 weeks!  Just 91 days to go.  At this point, the baby is just over two pounds and is at least 14-15 inches long, head to toes.  She's done most of her exciting developing already and is now just putting on the pounds and fine-tuning areas such as brain and lung development- really important growth, but not quite as exciting as adding body parts each week.  
Baby Girl is kicking almost constantly and with such power that some jabs are uncomfortable- like her full stretch yesterday when she extended a limb a good inch and a half or two past her normal area of residence and then just stayed there.  It took some gentle external prodding to get her to return to her space.  I'm enjoying people's reactions to watching my belly change shape, especially guys who have never observed a pregnancy this closely, like Tyler and Todd, who both jumped in shock.  It's definitely a strange sight!  As Tyler explained, it's one thing to think about a baby growing inside my belly; it's a whole other experience to see it move so clearly within my stomach.  
This weekend, Tyler, Todd, and I took Mico to the dog beach.  We all had so much fun!  Mico absolutely loved the sand and water (even if he did initially mistake the sand for snow and try to eat a mouthful...).  We brought the camera to document the occasion and Tyler took some videos... in which I was able to see myself walking for the first time in several months.  I have the pregnancy WADDLE going on!  Oh, my goodness, do I ever.  I couldn't believe it!  I don't feel like I waddle that badly, and I didn't think I was huge enough to waddle as much as I appear to from behind.  Oh, pregnancy.  Here are some pictures that catch the more exciting action taking place.  Mico is a cutie, isn't he?

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