Monday, May 17, 2010


Even though the weather in Chicago has been mostly cloudy and cool recently, I'm already planning summer activities for us like the sun will be upon us tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to the weekday farmer's markets, the Lincoln Park Zoo, walks along Lake Michigan, the Botanic Gardens, picnics in the park...  and easier at-home activities, like water play by moving Tye's bathtub outside, wind chimes for our deck, and blowing bubbles, one of my favorite things in the world.

Have you ever wondered what is in liquid bubbles?  The ingredients aren't listed, so aside from the obvious artificial coloring, the rest are a mystery.  That doesn't make me feel good when that bubble want goes into the mouth or liquid-covered hands get their licking.

Here's an uber-easy recipe for homemade bubbles.  Use non-toxic dishsoap and the mix will be baby-safe!

1 cup water
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
4 tablespoons liquid dish soap

Mix together and allow foam to dissipate.  Dip wands and blow for beautiful bubbles!

It's fun to be creative in re-purposing items to use as bubble wands: cut the centers out of plastic lids, use beverage straws, or any other plastic items that have a honeycomb pattern or a circle cut out.  Try items from the kitchen like slotted spoons or potato mashers, and anything else with holes. Kazoos, harmonicas, and recorders are great, too! 

By the way, humid weather is the best for bubbles because the bubbles will last longer.  Maybe these gray days are good ones to start our summer activities!

1 comment:

  1. Great recipe, thanks! We love bubble-playing in the summer too! Have fun!!


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