Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bath Time!

We gave Tye her first real bath tonight. After reading so many European articles on how the umbilical cord stump isn't reason to deny babies the experience of a real bath, I was looking forward to bathing Tye and hoping she would enjoy it.
Sure enough, Tye loved the water! She was a bit fussy as we undressed her (not her favorite thing to be dressed and undressed), but the second we put her in the tub, she calmed down completely, tucked her legs up into fetal position, and looked around with wide eyes. Her reaction was absolutely amazing, as if she belonged in the water. The whole time she was in the bath, she was content. It brought back so many sweet memories from her water birth, holding her slippery body and looking into her deep blue eyes. Compared to the sponge bath we tried (per hospital suggestion to protect the cord stump), during which Tye cried the whole time, this bath was a beautiful experience. I can't wait to try a family bath in the big tub! (Don't expect pictures of that.)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful face! Those eyes are so gorgeous - she seems so alert. So lovely to read about how you and Tyler are enjoying parenthood, Em. I love catching up with you guys on your blog!


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