Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nature Babe

Two like-minded moms and I started a local nature group with the intention of exposing our urban children to nature.  Chicago has plenty of opportunities to explore nature- it just takes a conscious effort to find them.  We meet at least once a week and have been to some amazing places, like the bird and butterfly sanctuary at Montrose Beach and the lagoon and prairie river at Humboldt Park.  Today, we walked through Jackson Park, home of the 1893 World's Fair and now a refuge for migratory birds with a Japanese garden.

Afterwards, we spread out blankets and had a picnic.  Here is Tye triple-fisting her food, clutching sauteed broccoli, a seaweed rice cake, and a fresh fig.  She has discriminating taste already.  As long as she's eating real food and not bits and pieces of nature, we're doing alright.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness how cute can she get?! Love her outfit! And love the pictures! So wished we lived near each other I think we would totally be hanging out!


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