Anyway, the appointment went perfectly well. Tye was given a full check up and then a clean bill of health. We've been fortunate to have found an amazing pediatrician who understands and appreciates our parenting decisions- a rare find, at least in Chicago. However, as the nurse asked me, "You're still breastfeeding? Is she still sleeping in your bed with you?" I couldn't help but thinking You know you're seeing a crunchy pediatrician when his questions are phrased like this.
We now have proof that Tye is growing, too. At 22 pounds 10 ounces, Tye is in the 47th percentile for weight. For height, she's in the 75th percentile, and for head circumference, she's taking after her mom's side of the family, placing in the 98th percentile(!). Like the proud parents we are, we've been telling every soul we've seen this weekend how Tye stacks up against other children. Sure, the thought that perhaps every person doesn't care about Tye's measurements flitters through my mind as the words are coming out of my mouth. I just rattle off the numbers to them anyway and tell myself that if I were in their shoes, I at least wouldn't mind pretending to care. Somehow, that makes me feel better. Or maybe it's talking about Tye that makes me feel better. Hmm, somehow I'm okay with either one.
Well, I for one care deeply about Tye's stats. :)